Your Majesty — 10 things
September 7th · Issue #289

Hey ,

Walking meetings, catch-ups on the balcony, lunch in the sun - here at Your Majesty we’ve been making the most of the sunshine during this summer reprise. 

We are hot (literally) on e-commerce trends this week, with articles exploring how to do social commerce well, hyper-personalization and a new trend, live shopping. Plus, our CTO Kasper’s latest thought piece has just gone live - the case for [ai] creativity. 

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend,

⚔️ Your Majesty 

This week's artwork is by our Associate Designer, AJ


1. E-Commerce 3.0: The Future Of Retail Is Hyper-Personalized

The Klarna CMO on what brands need to do to hyper-personalise product recommendations and achieve the ultimate shopping experience. 

Find out more


2. Why note-taking apps don't make us smarter

Can the AI evolution of note-taking apps help us organise our thoughts and garner new insights? This journalist explores. 

Learn more


3. “It is all about placing a premium on breakthrough thinking”

A UK agency leader shares her point of view on the growing importance of social commerce, making the most of AI and leading with curiosity - something we too value here at YM.

Get the insights


4. Gold Rush in the Uncanny Valley Part II: The Case for Creativity 

In the 2nd part of his series, CTO Kasper further explores the intersection of AI and creativity. He discusses the potential of AI as a tool in a kit of creative parts and the importance of curating creative outputs in an era of easy production. Read more.


5. The fascinating evolution of typing Chinese characters

This history lesson offers a brilliant example of how innovations can bridge the gap between the digital world and the real world.

Read about the innovations


6. Social commerce: 3 crucial steps to succeed with shopping ads

Social platforms are hubs for communication, community building, and entertainment. Here’s how brands can engage and get in on the action. 

Find out more


7. The Burning Man Fiasco Is the Ultimate Tech Culture Clash

Whilst in theory, the core principles remain, in recent years Burning Man has morphed into a confab of tech bros, celebs, and influencers.

Find out more


8. The five stages of an effective brainstorm

If you are a Figma lover like us then you’ll know about the fun and productivity that can be had with Figjam. If not, then you’re in the right place.

Read the stages


9. Zoom’s new AI tool will tell you if you’re bad at meetings

The AI companion will not only offer meeting summaries but also, real-time feedback and a critique of your presenting skills - we’re not sure how we feel about that!

Find out about this AI helper


10. The AI Drake ‘Ghostwriter’ is back with a new song and is chasing a Grammy

And they might have a chance of winning the entry categories of best rap song and song of the year as the lyrics themselves were actually written by a human. 

Hear the tracks

"The secret to successful hiring is this: look for the people who want to change the world."

— Marc Benioff

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