Your Majesty — 10 things
September 22nd · Issue #290

Hey ,

Whilst we are embracing the value of evolving technology advancements and the role AI can play in our creative processes, it’s important to understand the flip side

This week we’ve got exactly that, long read, “The AI Heretic” is a brilliant exploration of how tech has changed society multiple times over hundreds of years - for good, and bad. 

With the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) hot on the heels of many companies across Europe, we’ve been seeing a lot of reports circulating. Notably Apple’s, with the brilliant Octavia Spencer as “Mother Earth” - a best-in-class example of making report marketing engaging and entertaining. 

That’s all folks, until the next time 

⚔️ Your Majesty 

P.S. Still feeling overwhelmed with all the AI chat? Our new masterclass is a great introduction to integrating AI into your organisation, for creativity and beyond. Reply to this email or click here and we’ll send over more details. 


Autumn, imagined via DreamStudio by Marketing Manager Sarah


1. Joscha Bach on how to stop worrying and love AI

Bach –who defines himself as an AI researcher/cognitive scientist–talks about what he believes about AI and what guides his worldview. 

Listen here


2. The AI heretic

In total comparison – what separates the good technological times from the bad? A brilliant deep dive into technological advancements over hundreds of years and which of them truly benefitted society. 

Read the article 


3. DALL·E 3

Whilst we’re on the topic of AI, Open AI just announced that DALL·E 3 is now in research preview and represents a “leap forward in our ability to generate images that exactly adhere to the text you provide” - coming soon to Chat GPT Plus. 

Read more


4. Made On YouTube: Empowering Anyone to Create on YouTube

YouTube has unveiled a suite of tools, features and functionalities that will help anyone, no matter their dreams or skills, create video content. 

Read more


5. Roblox wants to be a dating app

With a roadmap for the next 5 years including exclusive experiences for ages 17+, Roblox has faith in this wild idea. 

Meet your match


6. Fashion metaverse insights startup Geeiq raises $8.5 million

This London-based startup, pronounced “Geek”, provides insights into the return on investment (ROI) of investments in virtual worlds and digital goods.

Get the lowdown


7. Four ways to give Gen Z employees the feedback they need—and really want

Build trust and give your younger employees the feedback you wanted earlier in your career, and other tips in this practical article. 

Give great feeback


8. The World’s Population May Peak in Your Lifetime. What Happens Next?

The time is now. To manage this decline, humanity needs a compassionate, factual and fair conversation about how to respond to depopulation and how to share the burdens of creating each future generation.

Food for thought in this article


9. When hope is a hindrance

For Hannah Arendt, hope is a dangerous barrier to courageous action. In dark times, the miracle that saves the world is to act.

Read the essay


10. 2030 Status | Mother Nature | Apple

When Apple does sustainability reports, it really is best in class. Don’t miss this short film if you haven’t already seen it. 

Watch the video

“The way to bring about change is to be proactive and active.”

— Octavia Spencer

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